Can You Take Knitting Needles on a Plane?



For people who are into crafts, and in particular knitting, there is probably no better way to pass the time on a long flight than engaging in your hobby.

But can you take your knitting needles on a plane in your carry on bag to use during the flight and are there any restrictions on sizes and types of knitting needles you can take?

I have to say, I am a little surprised that all knitting needles are allowed as they could certainly do a great deal of damage to someone if used as a weapon. Obviously, the TSA must believe that knitters do not pose a security threat!

Can You Take Knitting Needles on a Plane

The Quick Answer: Can I bring knitting needles on a plane? The TSA security rules allow knitting needles to be taken through airport security and onto a plane in your carry on bag and the same applies to crochet hooks. You can also use them during the flight to help pass the time.


Can you take knitting needles through airport security

There are no restrictions on taking knitting needles through a security checkpoint at the airport. Surprisingly, the TSA knitting needles rules apply to any size of knitting needles and whether they are made of plastic, metal or bamboo.

They can be left in your carry on when the bag goes through the x-ray machine so you do not need to remove them and place them separately in a tray.

There is also no restriction on the number of knitting needles you can take through airport security either.

There is a possibility that after they pass through the x-ray machine that a security agent may want to see them just to double-check check but that won’t be a problem.

As there is a possibility that if a security agent searches your carry on baggage they could potentially get stabbed by the points then you should ensure that they are packed so that cannot happen.

You can also take crochet hooks through airport security without restrictions too.

NOTE: The scissors you use for knitting cannot have blades larger than 4 inches long. Any that are larger will be confiscated by airport security as they are considered a potential security risk. Rotary cutters and circular thread cutters are not permitted either.

The full sharp objects rules.

This is an example response by the TSA on Twitter to a passenger asking can I take metal knitting needles on a plane:

tsa knitting needles

The following is the information specified in the TSA link above:

Let me get directly to the point here. I’m not spinning a yarn when I tell you that knitting needles and needlepoint items, including scissors under four-inches, are allowed in your carry-on bags. This includes and is not limited to circular knitting needles, bamboo, wooden, aluminum, metal, and plastic knitting needles, double pointed knitting needles, knitting hooks, knitting stitch holders, sewing kits, sewing needles, sewing pins, and sewing scissors (blades shorter than 4 in). However, circular thread cutters, or any thread cutter with a blade must be packed in your checked baggage.

Can you take knitting needles in your carry on luggage?

Since there are no restrictions on taking knitting needles through a security checkpoint at the airport then it follows that they can also be taken on board with you in your carry on luggage.

Although there are in theory no restrictions on the size of the knitting needles you can take on board the aircraft with you, in practice you couldn’t take any of the really large knitting needles that you would use for those large projects.

Clearly, the needles also need to fit inside your hand luggage and the size of your cabin bag is restricted.

Can you use knitting needles on a plane?

are knitting needles allowed on airlines

Yes, you are able to use your knitting needles during the flight to help you pass the time, which would be particularly good on a long flight.

But as mentioned above, your knitting, including the needles will need to fit in your carry on bag. For that reason, you should only take smaller projects with you.

Even if you were allowed the largest knitting needles that you may use on a big project, can you imagine trying to actually use them in the confines of a small airline seat. Your neighbors certainly wouldn’t be too impressed if you did.

Can you take knitting needles in your checked bags?

Knitting needles can be packed in your checked bag or bags if you are taking any without restriction. Obviously, they would not be available to use during the flight.

You can also take larger knitting needles in your suitcase.

You should ensure that kitting needles in your checked baggage are well packed and protected. If they were to stick through the bag then they could injure a baggage handler.

Can you bring yarn scissors on a plane?

You are permitted to take yarn or craft scissors through the TSA security checkpoint and onto a plane providing that the scissor’s blades are no longer than 4 inches from the pivot point to the tips. Read Can you bring scissors on a plane?

You should note that circular thread cutters are not permitted.


Can you bring knitting needles on a plane? The TSA security rules allow knitting needles to be taken through airport security and onto a plane in your carry on bag and the same applies to crochet hooks. You can also use them during the flight to help pass the time.

You should have no problems taking knitting needles in any quantity with you when traveling in your carry on bag.

Have a good and stress free “crafty” flight.


Can I take cross stitch on a plane?

You can take your cross stitch and all of the associated equipment, including needles, on a plane with you to do during the flight.

Can I embroider on a plane?

You can take your embroidery and all of the associated equipment, including needles, on a plane with you to do during the flight.

Can I crochet on a plane?

You are permitted to take crochet hooks and your other crochet yarn on a plane in your carry on and you can use them in flight to pass the time

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