Ever found yourself frantically re-packing in front of an airport security line?
We all have horror stories of confiscated items we thought were perfectly fine to travel with. But let me tell you, the list of no-no’s is longer than your upcoming layover.
Let’s look at the mysteries of airport security together, so you can travel like a pro!
1. Snow Globes

Picture this: You’re back from a winter wonderland vacation, clutching your perfect snow globe souvenir. But alas, airport security sees it less as a sentimental keepsake and more as a security threat. The liquid inside, you see, breaks the ‘3-1-1 liquid rule’!
Yes, even that tiny one that barely fits in your palm! It’s truly a bubble-bursting moment, but remember, only snow globes with 100ml or smaller of liquid are permitted. It must clearly state the volume of liquid inside.
Check it if you must, or risk the heartbreak at the checkpoint.
2. Nutella
Ah, Nutella – the creamy, chocolatey goodness that’s perfect on almost anything. But airport security officers have bad news: Nutella in your carry-on doesn’t make the cut.
Considered a liquid (or at least close enough to violate their rules), you’ll have to ditch your beloved hazelnut spread or resign to scraping it onto everything right before boarding. Buy a fresh jar upon landing instead!
3. Bug Spray
Not just for mosquitoes and mankind anymore, bug spray is a fine way to keep pests away. But here’s the catch: it’s also categorized with flammable aerosol sprays.
The key: always keep your bug spray with your checked luggage if you need it at your destination. No one wants to be stuck between a mosquito and a hard place!
4. Large Battery Packs
You know how devices these days always seem to run out of juice at precisely the wrong time? So, naturally, bringing a monster-sized power bank appears to be the smart solution.
Except, airline security rules see that as a potential fire hazard! It’s best to double-check which kinds are permitted and which aren’t, before you find yourself unplugged and unfriendly in the security line.
Read: Power Bank Rules for details
5. Sparklers
Sparklers can light up a party, but not your carry-on bag. They’re ironically a little too ‘lively’ for security’s liking. Classified as an explosive material, they can’t go with you onboard.
Opt for booking festivities post-travel and spare your nerves and checkbook the fireworks!
6. Bowling Balls
This might rarely come up unless you’re on a bowling tour, but a little heads-up: bowling balls are permitted only in checked luggage. Imagine explaining the importance of a perfect strike to someone who’s never bowled!
Remember, even perfect games have to wait until you claim your bags.
7. Musical Instruments
Traveling musician, wandering bard, or just a holiday enthusiast – sorry to sound like Mozart’s nightmare, but some instruments aren’t onboard-friendly.
Whether due to size or because your ukulele fits no particular overhead bin, confirm if you can stow it safely before check-in. Rest assured, your inspiration will hit a high note after landing!
8. Cooking Oil
If you’re a culinary wizard who can’t travel without your ‘secret sauce’, I’m here to bring you the unfortunate truth: cooking oils breach the liquid rule.
Airports couldn’t care less that your extra-virgin olive oil means the world to you. Avoid drama by wrapping it up neatly in checked baggage, and your taste pallet will thank you.
9. Fertilizer
If nurturing a green thumb tops your travel agenda, prepare to leave the fertilizer behind. Its chemical nature echoes ‘hazard’ to security protocols as it can be used in explosives.
I mean, who’s going to believe “it’s just for my plants” when it smells that potent? Ship it, store it, or swap it out. Your greenery can wait to grow!
10. Yoga Blocks
Yoga practice and airport queues both require flexibility, sure. Yet, placing yoga blocks in your carry-on may not offer peace you expect, as officers loosely define them.
Better roll them inside checked luggage unless you fancy persuading officers how Namaste works wonders!
11. Pool Cue
Ever dream of shooting billiards across continents? Hate to break it: pool cues definitely look more suited as something threatening than ahead of a sinking eight ball.
This sports gear only fits into your checked luggage, never your carry-on. But your cue’s time for trick shots will come soon!
A Final Note on Sometimes-Approved Items
The list could continue well into your holiday! Remember, sometimes an item randomly sparks additional checks. Allow extra time for possible discussions about what’s okay.
It’s all about maintaining travel zen, traveler friends! Determine the regulations prior, and take the confusion out of flying!
I have been traveling around the world by air since the early 70s and living overseas too. I worked for British Airways for a number of years and I am also a private pilot. About Me