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  • How Safe Is Flying in Turbulence? The Complete Guide

    How Safe Is Flying in Turbulence? The Complete Guide

    How safe is flying in turbulence? The quick and simple answer to this is that it is absolutely safe. In most cases, the turbulence you might experience is likely to be no worse than driving in a car down a bumpy road. Actually, that is a pretty good analogy because the aircraft is flying through…

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  • My 7 Most Memorable Flights – Good and Bad Flight Experiences

    My 7 Most Memorable Flights – Good and Bad Flight Experiences

    Perhaps I have just been lucky as I have never had any really bad flight experiences in all the years I have been traveling. I have never been in an emergency, fortunately, and I have never been stranded anywhere due to delays and cancelled flights. But a few experiences I have had do stick out…

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  • What Happens When Someone Calls You on Airplane Mode?

    What Happens When Someone Calls You on Airplane Mode?

    Airplane mode, often referred to as flight mode, is a setting available on most smartphones and tablets. This feature disables the device’s cellular radio, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth—communication functions that could interfere with an aircraft’s communication and navigation systems according to aviation regulations. This precaution stems from guidance by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to ensure…

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  • What Is the Best Travel Electric Toothbrush for Air Travel?

    What Is the Best Travel Electric Toothbrush for Air Travel?

    There are many things you can travel without, but your toothbrush is not one of them. Dental hygiene is an essential part of your daily routine and you shouldn’t suffer when you are traveling. So choosing the right travel toothbrush is very important. Whether you want a top-of-the-line electric toothbrush or an environmentally friendly manual…

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